Thursday, April 30, 2015


Today, Jordyn and I ran more programs on our Boe-Bot. We tested some programs for the speaker and ran one to make it sing Yankee Doodle! The video below shows the bot singing. Jordyn was also able to make the sound link with the LEDs on the breadboard so every time a new note was played, a different colored LED would flash! 

We were really excited to be able to do this because it means we are learning and applying our knowledge to our project! We were planning on building the line follower and pinger attachment to our Boe-Bot, but we weren’t able to get our parts. So that is on the ‘to do’ list for next week. We also started to make a rough draft of our course for the final presentation. We decided on writing a program to make our Boe-Bot move forward, backward, turn left, and turn right. We are also going to include the Yankee Doodle song and LED show as well. We didn’t get as much as we wanted accomplished today, but next week will be better!

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